Allowed Parking Zone

  1. Gannon St, Tempe
  2. Griffiths St, Tempe
  3. Station St, Accros Princes Highway opposite BP Station
  4. View St, Tempe (Kendrick Park)
  5. South St, Tempe
  6. Holbeach Ave, Tempe

Prohibited Parking Zone

  • Station St (Al Hijrah – Except in front of the Mesjid), Cook St, and Quarry St, Tempe
    1. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM PARKING IN STATION ST, COOK ST AND QUARRY ST as it may disturb the neighbours.
    2. Also please note that house number 59 and 61 belongs to disabled couple. Under any circumstances DO NOT park in front of their houses
    3. Please do not park where the Turkish Shop is
    4. Please note that the Paint Shop closes at 6.00 PM Daily

* Please ensure that your car is locked and take all of your belonging with you. Tempe Committee will not be responsible for any lost properties.